So.. this happened:

27 thoughts on “So.. this happened:”

  1. This is narc injury on an epic scale we’re witnessing real time, that cease & desist video, so funny, My name wasn’t on it, should I be sad, Oh wait a minute, is it because she harassed me on Toms video, & I blocked & reported her, possibly. I could have gone to her channel & said something but I didn’t want to feed the hairy moth, I need a pet Bat, anyone got one, I’ll pay shipping. xx Huggers xx. 💕😀🐩🐩🐈
    Maxi xx

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    1. You know what? I’m going balls to the wall..I f I want to comment I will. I’m not dumb enough to think the narcs I worry about didn’t even know about my fake name. And they know where I live .from now on…its my it do what you will..I have nothing to hide. I will watch my brake lines though. LOL.

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      1. Julie. I wasn’t offended at all. Just really pissed off they were grasping so hard to make me a troll fake account for some reason. It was ridiculous, Lets see if they could after me now, I have an uncommon name and I’m not hard to google. I’m not worried about them. I was trying to hide from the narcs I deal with. Oh well.


      2. I will still comment, but I won’t be able to relate with personal experience. I deleted left didn’t change the name. I will still watch and learn. And I will be posting videos. But videos of my adorable grandkids, Two or three people really are deranged.

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      3. I hate that you had to out your real name and it still didn’t prove that you aren’t Julie to a few people. Nothing any of us do will convince some of these folks of the truth. It sucks!


      4. Going to end my rant here I get really triggered by being accused of something that is cimpletely false. So the only way I could see to fix it was do this and comment on it because I know they read these comments. So Yes Ghetto Girl you rotten person, here I am come at me. I was the user named left. You took my ability to stay anonymous away….congratulations. Job well done and fuck off. Sorry Deb if this is over the line

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      5. I don’t care. What’s the worst that can happen? GG has a real hard on for me for some reason. And I find her offensive. But it’s just my opinion. Are they going to come and hunt me down? No. all they can do is make videos about me. Because they don’t like my comments. And try to analyze me…have at it they don’t know me nor do they understand sarcasm….I have dealt with much much worse.


      6. I don’t care. What’s the worst that can happen? GG has a real hard on for me for some reason. And I find her offensive. But it’s just my opinion. Are they going to come and hunt me d own? No. all they can do is make videos about me. Because they don’t like my comments. And try to analyze me…have at it they don’t know me nor do they understand sarcasm….I have dealt with much much worse.

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    2. I just have this real need to defend myself when I get accused. And no I made no videos. Number one..I need to keep private because the narc I deal with can do damage..number two I hate cameras, so that makes me a troll..fuck them. I just asked questions. And Sacha. Well her who,e thing is a business. I’m. It worried about her either….I know she has a fb and she is a.ready blocked…I can handle my Facebook. I was only ever worried about the narcs.

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  2. Cease and desist my ass. “Woe is ME!”, said a troll who hosts other not so covert trolls on her channel. HB was right. When her and SS get shut down by more evolved minds, they’re chicken shit. They insult and slander, then play the victim card because they’re so weak that they wouldn’t be able to punch their way out of a wet paper bag. Why won’t they just admit what they are, like Sam Vaknin, and make it all a real-time coming out of the closet experience? Now that would be better than their current business model.

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  3. I used the words “cease and desist” to Sherri 6 months ago, in May, when she wouldn’t just leave me alone in my comment thread on another person’s video. This was over a month after I had stopped commenting on (or watching) any of her videos.

    If she had just been able to cease and desist herself back in May, none of this shit would be happening, and dozens of people (maybe more) who see how crazy she is now might still be watching her videos and liking her. But she likes this shit like a pig loves mud. She’s wallowing in it.

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  4. Unfortunately, I can only get through part of a video before shutting it off, so forgive me if I don’t get all the details. It is such rubbish and the same blah, blah, blah B.S. – 10 seconds and I have to shut her off! I’ve see her comments on other people’s videos trying to convince and bully people. However, she never provides any proof of these claims. NONE!!!!!! It seems that anyone who does not pick her side or asks for PROOF is enemy #1!

    PP = projecting and parroting. It’s like she is constantly trying to strike at something that she thinks will stick or damage, and trying to go after one or another person to see if there is a weak link she can attack. It’s disgusting, and tired and old.

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