Will it ever end?

24 thoughts on “Will it ever end?”

  1. She’s all over the place. First, it was jealousy over subscribers. Now, it is some conspiracy involving censorship. Let’s say there is a censorship conspiracy. Who knows? Why would she be a target? I can think of many other huge channels that they would go after and I have seen some of these big names on You Tube have videos pulled by You Tube for this or that. Nothing even remotely close to that has happened to her. Does she think that you ladies and some of the commenters are a part of some secret underground cabal specifically targeting her? This is classic delusions of grandeur.


    1. I’m not sure. It’s getting kind of spooky really. I can’t believe she expects anyone to actually believe any of it. Yet.. some of her folks actually do. It boggles the mind. Thank you 🙂

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  2. In response to the question “Will it ever end?”, if Star Trek is any oracle the answer provided in “The Alternative Factor” is “No, it will never ever end. It will go on for all eternity.”

    Another story this reminds me of is Hercules wrestling with Antaeus. Antaeus was the son of Gaia, mother Earth, and every time he would be thrown to the ground his strength would be renewed from his mother. The only way Hercules was able to defeat Antaeus was to hold him in the air until he weakened. By holding Antaeus in the air, Hercules cut off his supply of strength that he got from being in contact with the Earth, his mother.

    Sherri gets more supply the more she is engaged. The only way to defeat her is to cut off her supply. Every time we respond to her new accusations, is like Hercules throwing Antaeus to the ground. It only gives her more strength. In her own parallel universe she is basking in the attention she is receiving, even if it’s negative attention in our eyes. She gets renewed with the negative energy of our replies to her.

    I have tried for 6 months to not engage with her. And although she still dredges my name up at regular intervals, she has practically nothing to go on aside from rehashing the same idiotic encounter that took place in March, since I give her really nothing new to work with.
    I was basically correct that if I didn’t engage with her, she would have to find other enemies to go after. Unfortunately, that became you, and everyone else who challenged her obsessive behaviors. I am really so sorry that anyone else has to be targeted.

    She has been hit pretty hard this weekend with a blizzard of exposure, and many people who were not fully aware of what was going on have been convinced by the evidence, mostly of her own reactions and peculiar perceptions of who is doing what to her.
    If my advice were worth anything in this situation (I doubt it is), I would suggest going slow in responding to her allegations. Most of the people who could see what’s going on have already had their eyes opened this week, you don’t have to convince them more. I think rapid response to her continued criticisms only helps accelerate her mudslinging. I think there’s room at the moment to sit back and let what’s already gone down sink in with onlookers, and don’t give her the satisfaction of the attention she craves. Also, it’s really a drain on our time and energy, which she really doesn’t deserve from us either.

    I would continue to try to think in terms of Hercules and Antaeus, try to cut off her supply, or just bore the hell out of her until she ceases to actually care what anyone else thinks, and truly quits. We’re making it too interesting for her to quit at the moment.


      1. The difference is that we’ve been trying to keep quiet about it for months, while onlookers didn’t have any clear idea what was going on. Now at least several dozen others are aware of the situation, because it’s been brought out into the open.
        I would suggest, at this point, keep playing your hand, but play it slowwwwww.


    1. Magi, your words just now really hit home for me. Not just for Sherri, but just for anyone trying to hoover us back in. I think the ladies here have done a great job of exposing her, as you mentioned, and it was necessary. It seems that the really toxic ones will escalate their lies and fabrications beyond belief in order to drag people back in. It’s a trap – and I never really thought of it like that until just now. I think it’s a fine line we all have to walk – exposing them vs getting sucked back in.

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      1. It’s a riddle: how do you fight something that grows stronger the more you resist it? Hercules had to solve this sort of riddle by using his wits; the fact that he was the strongest man in the world was not enough for him to prevail. We, too, must outwit this riddle, rather than try to outpower it.


  3. No, I don’t think it will ever end. It looks like she is getting off on the attention. And she comes off as very paranoid and mean, which is the reason I stopped watching her videos. Still the right thing to do is to speaking your truth, which sounds more realistic than her “truth.”

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  4. Hi Deb, Like I said yesterday she only buggered of long enough for me to cook a roast dinner yesterday, she’s an attention seeker it’s blatently obvious, whether she goes or stays makes no odds to me, (disliked & avoided her since May/June.) I’m pretty sure that like sharks teeth, (one after another conveyerbelt style,) she will always return in whatever Noahs Ark type reincarnations she fancies at that particular moment. Unfortunately. Take Care Hun. & BIG HUGS 2 U. xx ❤ 🙂 💕😀🐩🐩🐱


  5. I think that after response 3 you can take a deserved break. Yes, the hoovering will commence. But I’d wait for the perfect moment now. Self-control is your forte. You waited for months. She couldn’t wait a day. So I say: wait for something irrefutable. It may be a situation, a comment, a video. It may be a threat. You’ll know what it is when you see it. Because once the hoovering starts and you’re not taking the bait, it will intensify. Especially after so much exposure recently. You set a high dose of supply for these addicts and they will want their fix or more. And that’s when mistakes are made, out of greedy hunger. You might just sherri-pick that one mistake 😉 Meanwhile, let them spin their little lies as you move on with your activities. People are figuring them out. The community won’t be bombarded by this issue unless they decide to bombard it. Anyways, that’s what my gut is telling me right now.

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  6. There is a trickling of late-to-the-game subscribers who were trying to make sense of the back and forth responses, and who the heck she was even referring to. I was slow to arrive, so even though some of you have “moved on” and are quiet, I am just one person, who in the aftermath, is still getting bombarded with a shitstorm I had nothing to do with. So, forgive me for asking for a minute or two to process and get my bearings. I was not “stupid” for not seeing it. I just don’t check videos, daily, and read every comment, so it never occurred to me her rants were about the other people in this community. Youtube doesn’t always notify in ORDER, so I click on randomly to new videos, thinking they are some new story, and it’s a response to some troll. I and others have been declared by association, and that’s fine. I just want to say that my discussing it here, and a few weeks afterward isn’t my trying to keep it going, or feeding it. It’s me playing catch up, (because I have been personally attacked by her; even as her subscriber, too, since all this died down). To me, it’s just nuts. So she and other trolls will be ignored, and any videos responding to trolls will be ignored. For the record, that isn’t my ENABLING anyone. It’s my IGNORING unnecessary behavior that , just like with my children, doesn’t warrant my attention.

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    1. I think we all totally understand that Rainbo. And you’re right that you’re not the only one trying to sort it all out just recently. A lot of folks really tried to stay neutral.. like you did.. which is smart. You like a few channels.. some of them are at odds.. but hey.. let them sort it out and why invest a ton of time trying to take sides? We all understand that. Like you there are others who for whatever reason.. probably because Sherri refuses to stop bombarding us all and has even gone after commenters.. are taking some time to sort it out and feeling the need to talk about it and process it. Nothing wrong with that at all! It’s frustrating for us because we don’t really know what to do. We don’t want to give her more stuff to drag out.. but we don’t like sitting quietly while folks like you are attacked either. It’s very frustrating for commenters and youtubers alike and we all have to work through it the best we can. We’re here for you though so vent all you want. No worries! And NO. It’s not YOU dragging it out when you can’t even comment on someone else’s channel without her chasing you there.


      1. Thanks for the grace and space to do that. I really do process stuff, fast, and there’s no need to hash anything else out. It still aurprises me how “caught iff guard” I can be and how I’ll freeze for a but, and then just feel.pissed for a bit. I think there are ao many other worthy scenarios to discuss. I just wanted to be super clear on my motives. I care about the people here (even PP) and don’t want to.ever come.off as exploitive or addicted to the drama. I so don’t need that. Isn’t that pretty common with narc abuse survivors? We tend to really walk on eggshells just to aviid having to, ince again, defend ourselves from narc slime-age. Ha ha. I’m goios, now. No worries!


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